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American Holistic Health Association
Endorsed by leading physicians and healthcare practitioners, the nonprofit American Holistic Health Association (AHHA) is unlike any other organization of its kind. Why? Because the information offered is free and impartial — and because we’re supported by many contributors, not just one major sponsor. Which brings us full circle. Our contributors allow us to stay free and impartial, which enables us to stay true to our roots. Here’s to your health!
Mission Statement
In 1989, the idea for AHHA came from the boards of two national holistic medical associations. They encourage healthcare physicians and practitioners to incorporate holistic principles into their practices, and saw the need for a new organization to educate the public on the power of the holistic approach. Suzan Walter and Michael Morton accepted their challenge and established AHHA (that’s ah-ha!) to offer free information about health and wellness resources to help you better cope with an illness or disease, or to enhance your health. AHHA’s focus is to help you integrate mind, body and spirit in the process. Resources include offerings in both conventional and alternative medicine.
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